Direct Navigation – We recently drove past Jucy Camper rentals in St Kilda in Melbourne. You might be familiar with them and their trademark green camper vans.
We always thought that the name Jucy, being a misspelling of Juicy, was always going to cause some confusion. We noticed that on the front window of the premises was a sign that said “Google Jucy”. It got us thinking, why would you do that. The simple explanation is that, if you Google Jucy and Juicy, Jucy camper rentals appears on page one, so there’s your answer.
While there is a reason for Jucy to encourage people to Google them, there are reasons not to. Here are a couple:
- where a website doesn’t rank, then there is a risk that a competitor using your name in meta data or as a keyword in Adwords will appear in the search results; and
- most importantly, because negative reviews (justified or not) may appear;
These are two good reasons why using a short memorable domain name is better. Using would be a better idea. They could even try to buy, to redirect the leaked visitors.
It’s unfair to pick on Jucy alone, as there are many other companies doing the same thing.
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