Owning and using your own domain name gives you control over many things, one of which is domain level spam filtering.
We were recently reviewing the summary statistics of our Mailguard mail filtering service which we use for some of our more important businesses. Mailguard provides a useful summary and break down as to the volume of mail filtered, and the amount of spam, malware and viruses that it blocks. It also shows an estimate as to the IT resources saved by using the service.
We like many things about Mailguard, one of which is the fact that all MX records (these are the email settings for a domain name) for the domain name point to Mailguard so the mail is filtered at the whole of domain level before it reaches our mail server. This means that very few emails reach the second defensive layer, which is at the mail server level.
We often see businesses using generic emails such TomsDryCleaning@hotmail.com, where the business relies on whatever spam, anti virus and malware protection is offered by those platforms – some are better than others. With email being one of the most significant attack vectors used against business, domain level filtering is just one more thing that can be used as part of an organisation’s defensive strategy. One of the many advantages of using your own domain name is that it gives you the ability to add additional lawyers of defence to your email and website. Something to think about.
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