According to auDA’s April domain name creation figures 9,113 new .au domains were registered in April 2023, slightly down from the 11,083 .au domains registered in March 2023.
The monthly average of .au domain name registrations from November 2022 to April 2023 is 10,357. Many had speculated that there would be a rapid decline in .au domain name creates, but auDA’s most recent data is not showing this with momentum staying with direct registration .au domain names. This is surprising considering there appear to be very few .au domains currently in use.
auDA’s figures also indicate that the number of contended .au domain names remaining are 6156 (as at 9 May 2023), this may also help explain in part the number of registrations, as contentions are resolved.
In terms of domain name creations for the month of April 2023 in other .au extensions such as and, they are also holding up. The table below shows April 2023 data
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